Monday, April 4, 2011

Alkalizing Diet Plan

Most food humans consume has a potential to alter the body’s pH balance. Foods when digested can leave an acidic by products in the body, some results in alkaline by products.
Acid-forming foods include most high-protein foods like meat, fish, eggs; also included are legumes like beans or peas except lentils, sugar, coffee, alcohol and most grains.  These acid-forming foods can produce toxins in the body that will result in unnecessary bone loss.  Long term acid build up can exhaust the body’s alkalizing reserves.  Unless we start making a change in our daily meal plan by adopting an alkaline diet, acid build up can damage our body in so many ways.  One serious medical problem due to acid build up is bone loss leading to arthritis or osteoporosis.
A no-brainer solution to this dilemma has been taught to us since we were small by our great grandmothers and grandfathers – eat more fruits and vegetables everyday and stay away from junk foods like burgers and fries, ice cream and shakes, potato chips and pretzels.  A sample alkalizing diet plan for a day is shown below:
For Breakfast:
Vegetable omelet using green onion, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushroom, sprouts, garlic and chopped baby bok choy.  One to three eggs using egg whites only.
Green tea
For Morning Snacks
1 oz toasted pumpkin seeds
1 oz golden raisins
1 pc Apple
For Lunch
Lentil soup
Side of steamed vegetables consisting of  broccoli, kale, carrots, onions drizzle with olive oil salad dressing (2 cups)  or
4 oz Cold or Hot Tuna served over two to three cups mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, broccoli and other fresh vegetables with lemon-dill vinaigrette.
For Afternoon Snack:
5 Celery sticks
1 pc Banana
4 oz serving of Turkey
Carrots and raisin salad topped with mango/tomato salsa
Indulge on alkaline diet all day to boost your alkalinity and get rid of the toxin build up due to acid food overdose.  You will feel the difference!

1 comment:

  1. These inaccuracies can cause your alkaline diet to fail, and you might never find out why. The acid alkaline diet has worked for countless people, and it can work for you, too--but only if you make your food choices based on valid information.
