Monday, April 25, 2011

High Alkaline Foods

A group of medical experts have published studies that shows high alkaline foods are beneficial to our health and well-being.  Eating a diet high in alkaline food can prevent the occurrence of disease developing in our body.
So you are ready to step forward, change your eating lifestyle such as alkaline food and stick with it.  What are the things you need to remember for an effective change to occur in your body?
Follow the 80-20 rule
Eat a diet of fifty to eighty percent high alkaline foods per day. This is your goal to maintain an alkaline pH level on your bloodstream.  It would be difficult at start but begin your new eating habits by consuming more organic fruits and vegetables everyday.
Buy alkaline forming vegetables
Switch to high alkaline forming vegetables like asparagus, onions, raw spinach leaves, broccoli, garlic, and parsley. Try to eat at least two to three servings of these veggies.
Buy alkaline forming fruits
Switch to high alkaline forming fruits such as lemons, limes, watermelon, grapefruit, mangos, papayas, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries. Try to eat two to three servings of these alkaline foods everyday to achieve the 80-20 ratio. Although lemons and limes are considered as acidic, when consumed, these fruits change and results in providing alkalizing effect on the body.
Use alkaline forming oils
Switch to high alkaline forming oils when preparing your meals, use extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil and grapes seed oil. Make use of these oils whenever you cooked anything requiring cooking oils, or use it to make home-made salad dressings.
Drink Green Juice
Drink high alkaline forming beverages instead of soda. These beverages include herbal green tea, alkaline water, spring water with lemon and juice extracts from wheatgrass, barley grass, oat grass mixed with organic fruits and nutritional supplements like spirulina.  You will experience a unique feeling of goodness as your body eliminates all the toxic in your system.

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