Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Alkaline Foods Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV is considered by many as a folk remedy but has in recent years become popular and well-known starting in the late 50’s.  Vinegar is a by-product of fermentation, which is a process by which sugars in food are broken down with the use of bacteria and yeast.  Sugars are turned to alcohol in the first stage of the fermentation process, when the alcohol ferments further the result is vinegar.  Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing or pulverizing apples and squeezing out the liquid.  By adding yeast, the liquid from the apples will start the fermentation process, which will turn the sugars into alcohol.  As the second fermentation process begins, the alcohol is converted by acetic acid-forming bacteria into vinegar.  Acetic acid and malic acid give vinegar its sour taste.
Proponents of the use of apple cider vinegar considers this liquid a miracle solution and have the ability to treat numerous diseases, health conditions and afflictions.  Apple cider vinegar supposedly has the ability to kill head lice, reverse aging, ease digestion difficulty and clear your body of toxins.  Most of these claims do not have sufficient support or backing of medical organization and experts because the studies and experiments conducted failed to provide such evidence of effective remedy.  Although apple cider vinegar does not have a great taste, it does come with many good nutrients helpful to rid the body of toxic elements.  Health enthusiasts who practice clean living use a chart that lists food category by its ability to maintain a good pH level.  In the category of alkaline food, apple cider vinegar is listed as something that can effectively alkalize the human body. Alkaline food consists of fresh and organic fruits, green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, beet greens – the greener the vegetable the higher the level of alkalinity it can deliver to the body after digestion.  A diet with a ratio of eighty percent alkaline-forming foods and twenty percent acid-forming foods will provide you the best chance for a healthy pH balance.

1 comment:

  1. If you are new to this diet, you will have a hard time knowing what foods to eat and what are not to eat because you don't have a food acid alkaline food chart. This food chart includes an alkaline food list to help you better understand the diet and choose the right foods to keep you healthy.
