Monday, April 18, 2011

Alkaline Foods for Baby Boy

Medical proponents and supports of the alkaline food diet claims there are evidence to support that consuming foods high in alkaline nutrients can affect the baby’s gender.
Is there a direct relationship of the body’s pH level and the getting pregnant likewise influencing the baby’s gender to conceive a boy?
The practice of healthy eating is for everybody not just for women planning to get pregnant and eats alkaline foods for baby boy conception.  Although most mothers would want that kind of control and be able to choose the baby’s gender at the time of conception.  There are some ideas on the internet that supports it but we must be careful not to believe in everything we read especially on the world wide web.
1. Maintain a perfect pH balance  - our body’s pH level is directly influence by the food we eat.  To conceive a baby boy your body should not be too acidic nor too alkaline.  If the woman trying to be pregnant has greater consumption of acid-forming foods then her body gets too acidic which can weaken the “boy sperm” .  The acid content can reduce the ability of the boy sperm to survive in the woman’s uterus.  Eating more fresh fruits and raw vegetables are examples of alkaline food that are excellent whether your trying to get pregnant or not but if you are avoid acid rich food, meat and whole grains to keep your body alkalinize.
2. Eat foods high in potassium and sodium to conceive a baby boy.  An easy, nourishing and healthy way to provide potassium in our body is to eat bananas.  Bananas have high potassium content.  Other foods rich in both sodium and potassium are raisins, nuts, figs, baked potatoes with skin on.  The combination of sodium and potassium increases your chance of having a baby boy while diets high in magnesium and calcium result in having a baby girl.
Others claim that timing of conception, couple’s position and day of ovulation affects the possible gender of your baby.  For most women, it is more important to focus on having a healthy baby but in some cultures a baby boy means a lot, it ensure the continuity of the family name and legacy.

1 comment:

  1. The cells of the body rely on alkaline diet balance. If the body fluids are abnormal, digestive enzymes are rendered inactive. Food will then not digest properly and allergic reactions can result.
