Monday, February 28, 2011

Acid Alkaline Diet

Everything seems to change when you start to grow older.  You feel tired all the time, you do not have any energy left after an eight-hour work day, your body aches, your vitality down.  All you want to do upon reaching home is lie down on the bed or sit on the couch.  The increase of ready to eat food, emergence of modern food processing and changes in agricultural methods and process have adversely affect the natural alkali form of our everyday food and have turned them into acid forming food.
Many supporters of the alkaline diet claims that by changing the ratio of acid and alkali present in your body, you can achieve dramatic improvement in the way you feel.  When you eat too much acidifying foods, the nutrients in them can overwork your body’s ability to process and eliminate excess acids.  This will result in your body breaking down bone and muscles to free alkali minerals, these alkali minerals will then soak these acids and eliminate them when you empty your bladder.  The acid build up in the body can be harmful if not address properly.  The mitochondria that supply the body with energy will begin to slow down resulting in lower energy level associated with body fatigue.  Other symptoms indicative of too much acidifying foods include inflammation and low immune functions.  There are several acid alkaline diet home study course available on the internet as a one-time course or as a monthly or yearly subscription.  The purpose of this course is to provide essential information on acid alkaline diet simplified by knowing the basic of what is good and bad to your health – larger portions of fruits and vegetables in your daily meals, steering clear from consuming too much sweets, red meat, dairy products and alcohol.  A definite no-no on food preparation is overcooking.  When food is overcook, it removes all the potential nutrients of the food and all its good benefits wasted. Try this alkaline diet and make difference.

1 comment:

  1. When planning your daily meals, consider Alkaline Recipes such as the use of organic, fresh and raw vegetables and fruits in your salads; instead of pre-package salad mix that may have somewhat lost its vital nutrients due to processing and handling.
