Friday, March 18, 2011

Best Alkaline Diet Book

The alkaline diet book – Alkalize or Die: Superior Healthy Through Proper Alkaline-Acid Balance is available in paperback written by Dr. Baroody.
This book can revolutionize your understanding of proper health care with one simple strategy – alkalize your diet.  It provides a clear definitions of what food is alkaline or acidic, what causes tissue acid wastes, why hydro-chloride acid is good and other acids are worst for your body, what are the needs of our body’s glands and organs in alkalinity, the truth about contagious dieseases, ways in preventing acid-related maladies that accelerates the body’s aging process.
The book teaches us to learn and choose foods that will deliver alkalinity in our blood system.  It contains a twenty-one day meal planner for proper alkaline-acid balance, ways on how to neutralize different types of stress, and a step by step method on how to adopt an alkaline way of meal preparation.  It provides an understanding regarding the relationship between acid forming foods and alkaline forming foods, how it is directly affects the body.
This might not be the best alkaline diet book in the market but a unique approach Dr. Baroody used in his writing is to be realistic and to recognize that each individual has his/her own biochemistry that influence metabolism and state of immune system.  Therefore because we each have our own individuality, results will vary from one person to another even when all other variables are the same.
Dr. Baroody’s medical experience on alternative health approach is extensive as he evaluated and studied various published medical researches from other practitioners.  The extent of his alternative health knowledge is derived from analyzing medical publication on alkalinity and acidity ranges of food we eat.  The book contains a helpful list of foods with its corresponding rating as to their alkalinity or acidifying properties once digested in the body.  He has deviated from the conventional pH scale in favor of a scale he personnaly developed to measure alkaline-forming and acid-forming foods.  Dr. Baroody’s pH scale ranges from 0.5 to 7.5.  All foods below 4.0 are acid forming and all foods below 4.0 are alkaline forming.
As consumers, we need to make intelligent choices based on the abundant information available to us.  Before starting a diet you have not tried before, consult your family physician, get medical advice and learn what are the risks or the benefits and how it will affect your health.
Live healthy and thrive!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alkaline Diet Book Review

The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet book written by Emma DeAngela, a medical researcher, nutritionist and is famous for her best selling alkaline diet book available in paperback, hardcover and eBooks.  DeAngela thru her two publications has helped thousands of people by providing natural health philosophy leading to a healthy and better life.  Emma offers diet tips thru her eCourse and website to help people with their various health concerns and dilemma.  This alkaline diet book review the common problems of weight gain, the challenge in keeping a healthy diet and digestion problems that plagues every American household.  Emma in an article published in her website wrote detailed ways on how to build up a stronger immune system and healthy body; she emphasized the importance of eating more organic foods due to the prevalence of pesticides, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and food colorings on most processed, package, canned, ready to eat foods.  Emma encourages her readers to practice eating alkaline forming foods and stick with this type of diet to gain these benefits:
Energy -  most Americans almost always feel exhausted, sleepy, tired and without energy all the time.  We oftentimes blame these feelings to aging, stress or lack of sleep.  One excellent observation that Emma has pointed out in her book is how we feel right after each meal – if we feel sleepy, bloated, or suddenly suffering from a mild tummy ache; then all these are directly related to what we just ate.  Foods should make us feel replenished, rejuvenated and re-energize – something we can’t get from burgers and fries or chilli and hotdogs.
Get rid of acid reflux, persistent heartburn naturally – alkalizing our diet naturally by eating eighty percent of fruits and vegetable in each meal can help us get rid of all the digestive problems naturally and holistically without the need of prescription pills, antacids or detoxification.
Rejuvenate our body systems – by consuming alkaline-forming foods regularly, we can balance our acid alkaline level and maintain it that way.  The human blood is naturally at 7.35 to 7.45 pH which is slightly alkaline level.  Maintaining alkalinity of the body will help rid of toxin build up on our blood stream and will allow our internal organs like our kidney, lungs and heart to fight less bad elements present in our body system.
Conduct a simple meal experiment to provide an experience that can give an understanding of how the body feels right after a healthy meal versus a highly fattening meal.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Acid Alkaline Diet Home Study Course

This Acid-Alkaline Diet Home Study Course book from two leading nutritional doctors and international best selling authors – Dr. Peter Bennett, N.D. and Dr. Stephen Barrie, N.D. brings unique, easy to use guide to improved health and boost energy.  Peter Bennett is a Naturopathic Physician practicing in British Columbia, Canada.  He is board certified Acupuncturist and a Homeopathic practitioner.  Stephen Barrie is also a Naturopathic Physician, an international lecturer, the founder of the Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory.  The book is the result of united efforts and hands on experience of both Peter and Stephen with their own patients.  The book illustrates how a low acid-alkaline diet can over turn the feeling of fatigue, stress and the fact of being over weight.  The simple steps and changes you need to do to start reclaiming your health and life now.
These two health practitioners wrote straight forward solutions for good health and well being.   It contains a plan to start good healthy eating habits with the help of sample easy to prepare recipes, a program illustrating functional movement such as walking and a relaxation tool to help increase energy, transform stress into positive elements and the sensible way of losing weight.  This self study course in divided into three parts.  The first section provides a list of common factors why we suffer from poor health and low energy.  The second section provides a discussion on long term solutions to achieve optimal health.  The third section provides a structure for a three week diet and exercise program.
The book lays our a lifetime plan to healthy living and provides tools to attain better body performance.    It is easy to read and simply written for better unerstanding.  It is aided by pictures, diagrams and charts to provide visual explanation of the contents of the book.  The book can be adopted by anyone, at any age and encourages the reader to strictly follow the three week plan including the recipes, daily and weekly suggested schedule, easy exercises including breathing and relaxation techniques plus walking and body stretches.
The principle behind this book is that every human being has a choice to live a healthier life regardless of what circumstance.  The choice is ours to make and it is ultimately ours to keep.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified

Acid-Alkaline Diet – What is it?
Our great great grandparents and their grand mommy and daddy have taught us to always depend on Mother Nature to nourish, nurture and neutralize our life – its limitations, its excesses, the abundance and its exaggerations; how to care and handle these gifts and blessings without abuse, neglect or inaccurate utilization.
The acid-alkaline diet simplified is commonly composed of fresh, raw and organic vegetables and fruits.  Fruits from the different trees that abound our forest, garden, backyard, farm house and vegetables that line up our garden plots, our nursery, our green house.  The key is to consume everything is its original form – uncooked, unadulterated, unprocessed.  Mother Nature planned all of these nourishment for humanity to enjoy, to savor and to re-energize our body.
God is the ultimate architect of all things on earth most especially the human body.  It is designed to be alkaline in its natural state.  The pH level of vital organs in the body should be at 7.365 slightly alkaline to function properly.  If the body is too acidic, all these vital organs will have to work double shift or triple shift in order to regulate it.  In order to defend our body from too much acidity, the buffer system that stores alkaline will work harder to neutralize the acid and may end up depleting its stored alkaline buffers.
To illustrate,  the pH scale is logarithmic.  pH 6 is 10x more acidic than pH 7, meaning pH 5 is 100x times more acidic than pH 7 and pH 4 is 1000x more acidic. Example:  Soda has a pH range between 2 to 3. If you drink soda every meal then you consume too much acid that may result in depletion of alkaline minerals in your blood system.
Acid-Alkaline Imbalance – What’s next?
When these alkaline buffers are depleted and we carelessly consume more acid-forming foods … what happens next?
The body continuously fights the acids by drawing upon the stored alkaline minerals but by overworking the buffers and abusing their capacity, we create an imbalance on our total body system that can result in fatigue, lack of energy, muscle and joint pains, disrupted digestion, hyperacidity and worst even cancer.
To reverse this condition and become alkaline, simply follow the 80-20% ratio for acid alkaline diet, 80% being alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods on your daily diet. Back this up with 8 to 10 glasses of good quality, clean, alkaline water each day to hydrate every cell in your body.
There is no time like NOW to start re-defining your diet.

Monday, March 14, 2011

High Alkaline Diet Recipes

Alkaline diet recipes is a diet plan consisting approximately of eighty percent alkaline-forming foods and twenty percent acidic-forming foods.  The principle that supports this balance diet is based on the natural pH level of the human’s bloodstream which is at a slightly alkaline level of 7.36.  If the body’s bloodstream is compromised by the foods we ingest into our body it may suffer a state of imbalance.  Many health experts claims that a healthy body depends primarily on proper balance between an alkaline and an acidic state of our body.  When the human body becomes too acidic, it will take whatever defense necessary to regulate the pH balance of the bloodstream.  In this situation,  our bodies immune system will begin to work harder and may break down.  The body will show signs of diseases including cancer, osteoporasis, yeast over growth, various skin disorders, consistent cold and flu and hyper acidity.
High alkaline diet recipes consists of balance food capable of helping the body maintain its pH balance.  The pH level of the human body affects every aspect of our health; it regulates, control, effect everything on earth especially the human body.  When we maintain a balanced pH level, our body will manifest it thru increased energy level, vitality, mental clarity, soft, suffle and glowing skin and a total healthful aura eminating from every cell in our body.  Every metabolic process from digestion, breathing, energy production create acid as a by-product; the body is constantly working to maintain the balance between acid and alkaline levels.  It is of outmost importance that we give careful consideration on the different ways we can take care of our body and practice proper balance diet and nutrtion consisting of more fruits and vegetables, regular daily exercise and stretching, substantial hydration by drinking eight to ten glasses of alkaline or distilled water and taking proper nutritional supplements.
Life is about living and to live well means to eat well.  Give this type of diet a try and your body will be thankful for it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Does Alkaline Diet Work

Our current lifestyle has influenced the way we dress, what kind of car we choose to drive, where we want to live, which schools we choose for our children, our preference for vacation, form of entertainment and overall standards of living.  But more significantly, this modern style living has significantly influenced our food eating habits, choices and preferences.
The world we are in is fast-paced, packed by things to do and accomplished on a given day but that given day is almost always not enough to complete each listed tasks.  We are bombarded with deadlines from office work, school work, community services and personal appointments.  Due to our busy and chaotic schedule, we almost always sacrifice the most important segment of our life – our health and the things affecting it – stress, exercise and diet.  If you look closely, the more invention on modern conveniences, the more we take the short route in our eating habits.  Instead of having a daily family breakfast, we take a breakfast bar to go or a sophisticated traveler coffee mug to provide us the caffeine we need.  We always race against time and the most important part of our life gets the least priority in our daily routine.
The acid-alkaline diet claims that because of these factors, our tendency is to consume far more acid-forming foods rather than alkaline-forming foods which are very important to maintain a healthy pH level in our bloodstream.  To much acid-forming foods in the body can disrupt our pH level balance normally at the range of 7.35 to 7.45; this acid-forming foods results in the loss of essential minerals needed by the body such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.  The loss of these essential minerals can result in an array of medical concerns such as year round allergies, cold, flu, digestion problems, hyper-acidity, skin irritation, headaches, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and at worst any type of cancer.
So does alkaline diet work?  There are no extensive clinical trials or medical studies to support such as claim and effectiveness of alkaline diet but one thing is sure eating more fruits and vegetables has been proven a long time ago to be effective in keeping your health at tip top shape.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Alkaline Diet Recipes Healthy

The following alkaline diet recipes healthy and fresh are recommended for people of all ages, of any gender, color or ethnicity who has one common goal – return to living healthy.  These alkaline diet recipes are research items from
Here are the categories of meal plan under the alkaline diet:
  1. Alkaline Juice
  2. Alkaline Soup
  3. Alkaline Snacks and Appetizers
  4. Vegetable Super Juice
Vegetable Super Juice
1 pc Cucumber
4 sticks Celery
2 to 4 handfuls of fresh, organic Spinach
8 Lettuce leaves
Optional: Choose any other favorite veggies and mixed with above.
Optional boosters like Parsley and fresh Alfalfa Sprouts
Placed all greens in a blender or juicer then juice the ingredients.  Mix fifty percent of green juice with fifty percent distilled water.  Add optional boosters indicated above and lemon juice for a hint of tang in the your green juice.  Servings: 2
Healing Juice
3 to 4 pcs Carrots
125 grams Fresh Spinach
Handful of Flat Leaf Parsley
2 to 3 sticks of Celery
Mix all greens except celery to juice.  Mix fifty percent with distilled water or take it pure like a tonic drink.  This is a sweeter green juice with lots of excellent nutrients from the greens, antioxidants from the spinach and the cleansing property of the celery. Servings: 2

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Alkaline Diet System

There is an overload of data on the world wide web ranging from the basic information like a word definition to the most complex such as critical data on atomic bomb – its structure, engineering and/or mechanics.  Just like there are so much type of diet plans like alkaline diet, mediterranean diet,etc claiming to have the secret key to weight loss and healthy living.  Some of the popular healthy, weight loss diets that had their share of hype and popularity are:
The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is influenced by he cultures from countries such Crete, Greece, Spain, Southern France, Southern Italy, and Portugal. The principles of mediterranean diet is based on eating fruits, beans, nuts, seed and cereals as the primary source of energy.  Also permitted are yogurt, cheese, fish and poultry.  Eggs are okay in limited quantities.  Mediterranean diet consists of 25-35% fats, with saturated fats not to exceed 8% of calorie intake
The Raw Food Diet
There are four types of Raw Foodism practitioners – vegetarian, vegan, omnivore, carnivore.  Each group believe that most of the foods they must consume should be in its raw, unprocessed, unadulterated, unprocessed form.  Vegetarian prefers food that are organic and plant based.  Vegans are like vegetarians but they refrain from eating or drinking anything that came from animals such as eggs, milk and butter.
The Zone
This type focuses on balance meal by keeping insulin levels in complete control.  Proponents of this diet claims that by taking control of insulin levels, the possibility of successful weight loss is more attainable.  The principle of the zone diet aims for nutritional balance by having 40% of carbohydrates, 30% of fats, 30% of protein each meal.
The Weight Watchers
It is a popular program that cultivates the importance of social network in securing group support and motivation.  It encourages subscribers to lose the weight thru regular exercise and adhering to healthy diet.  The healthy daily meal planning is achieve by keeping a tab of food points in each meal consumed.  This counting process can be daunting at first but most participants get better as they progress from the program by attending the regular meetings, participating in the Core or Flex plan that allow subscribers to eat only certain foods.  This program provides diet tools such as menu planning, healthy recipes, record keeping and user support.
The Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate diet created by Robert Atkins, it involves restriction of carbohydrates to more frequently switch the body’s metabolism from burning glucose as fuel to burning stored body fat.
The Acid-Alkaline Diet
The acid-alkaline diet focus is the maintenance of a healthy pH balance in the bloodstream.  It puts emphasis on the ratio of alkaline-forming foods vs. acid-forming foods we eat on a daily basis.  The alkaline diet system promotes consumption of foods with high alkaline nutrients after the digestion process.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Alkaline Diet Snacks

Alkaline Diet is based on the principle that specific foods leave an alkaline ash or residue in our body causing to tilt off the balance of the body’s pH range.
A sample meal plan recommends eating heavy breakfast, morning snacks, medium lunch, afternoon snacks and lite dinner.
Here are some alkaline diet snacks that can fill you up and satisfy your hunger:
1. Unsalted Almonds – almonds are not only alkaline-forming food but also contains good portion of protein and good oils.
2. Fresh Organic Bananas – Bananas are rich in alkaline content and most importantly contains a good amount of calcium needed by the body.
3. Dried Fruit and Nuts – dried fruits like dates, figs and raisins are rich alkaline-forming healthy snacks as long as the dried fruits are without sulphur.
4. Freshly Squeezed Carrot Juice – Carrots with their skin on provide alkalinity and can get a boost and aid to weight loss when mixed with green apples and celery.
5. Bean smack – consisting of three pieces of organic tomatoes chopped roughly, one can of chick peas, kidney beans, cannelini beans, butter beans, four broccoli florets, fresh raw organic spinach, a dash of himalayan salt and black pepper. Mixed everything together except the spinach in a small pan over a low heat without any oil, let the beans get warmed and heated then throw in the spinach and wilt lightly.  Remove pan from heat and pour into a bowl
6. Sprouts – eat sprouts regularly, as they are nature’s wonder food, rich in the essential alkaline minerals, and are the most nutrient dense foods available to humanity.  Sprouts provide abundant enzymes too.  Enzymes are important for our body to work efficiently; they are biological catalysts that can start or cause an activity to speed up.  All living things need enzymes for proper well being.
Snacking this alkaline diet helps you avoid episodes of over eating especially of foods that does not have any nutritional content.  Make it a habit to pack healthy snacks for your and the rest of your family.  You will thank yourself later!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Alkaline Diet Chart

There is an overload of information on the internet regarding the right classification of foods with regards to their alkalinity or acidity forming materials upon consumption.  In most cases, the list is quite similar but in some publication, the information can be confusing.
An alkaline diet is very important to maintain a healthy functioning body.  The body’s alkalinity is directly responsible for an excellent immune system, for having strong bones and muscles, for not being prone to skin irritations and allergies, for being able to cope faster when virus, bacteria and microbes invade our body.
Below is a listing of foods that consist the alkaline diet based on their pH components after digestion which can be used as reference to prepare your alkaline diet chart more effectively.
Extreme Alkaline Forming Foods = pH range is from 8.5 to 9.0 (based on the most degree of alkalinity)
Extreme Acid Forming Foods = pH range is from 5.0 to 5.5 (based on the most degree of acid content)
A.  pH = 9.0
1. Lemons
2. Watermelon
B.  pH = 8.5
1. Agar agar
2. Cantaloupe
3. Cayenne
4. Dried fruits such as kelps, limes, mangoes, melons, papaya, dates, figs
5. Seedless grapes, watercress, seaweeds, asparagus
6. Kiwis, freshly made fruit juices
7. Grapes with seeds, passion fruit, pears, pineapple, plum, raisins, freshly made vegetable juice
C.  pH = 5.5
1. Beef, soda and most ready to drink beverage, cigarettes, flour
2. Goat, lamb, cakes and pastries made out of white flour
3. Pork, sugar
4. Beer
5. Brown sugar
6. Chicken, deer, chocolates, coffee

Friday, March 4, 2011

Alkaline Diet Book

Alkaline diet is a meal planning technique where the focus is to maintain the pH balance of the body towards a slightly alkaline state.  It is a healthy guide principle in which it promotes major consumption of alkaline forming foods and small portion of acid forming foods.  To achieve optimum health, we need to eat fresh, low fat, balanced quantities of food that delivers the right nutrients our body needs.
One of the best alkaline diet book in the market is The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health: Restore your Health by Creating Balance in Your Diet.
This alkaline diet book is described by Amazon as a practical book, which provides a diet system to restore the acid-alkaline balance our body needs to sustain a healthy well-being.  It contains detailed explanation on how the process of acidification contributes to the body’s myriad of health problems such as muscle and joint pain, depression, stomach ulcers, osteoporosis, arthritis, skin irritations, chronic fatigue and even cancer.  The book clearly provides a chart that places the food we eat into two categories and how it affects the body after digestion, acidifying or alkalizing.  The author did stay away from explaining chemical composition of the food we eat to make it simpler and easier to understand.  He instead provided an easy test method to determine the acid levels of our body, how to understand the test results and a systematic diet plan to start practicing a sensible and proper diet for good health.  Thisalkaline diet book review the effect of each food we eat; it explains how certain foods when modified from its original form can change from being acidic to alkaline such as spinach.  Spinach when eaten fresh, raw and in its organic state is highly alkaline food; but when spinach is cooked, blanched or steamed then the good qualities and nutrients of this wonderful vegetable diminish.  The author of the book, Christopher Vasey also wrote instructions on how to use alkaline supplement to support our daily dietary needs.
Overall, this alkaline diet book is a great reference material for people who want to turn their life and health around by living well and eating well.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

High Protein Alkaline Diet

Alkaline diet is an eating lifestyle that puts emphasis on foods which have an alkalizing effect on the body. It follows the principle that food affects our body’s pH level. Overall, the body’s pH level can significantly affect your health.
Everything in this world revolves around the balance of things, the amount of rain or the intensity of the sun, the balance of power in the government, the balance between demand and supply.  This is also very true and all the more applicable to maintaining a correct acid-alkaline balance in our body.  The body cannot be too acidic or too alkaline; the perfect ratio is eighty percent alkaline and twenty percent acidic.  If this balance is not maintained, serious health problems can occur.
Foods that are acid-forming can result in the build up of acids in the body which can cause decrease energy, inflammation of bones resulting in body aches and pain, other medical condition involving the kidney, lungs and skin as diet high in fat and acids can overwork these vital organs.
High protein alkaline diet can help correct this acid-alkaline imbalance without the expensive diet pills, fitness instructor, weight loss system subscriptions or even surgery such as liposuction.
Alkaline diet foods are the fastest and most efficient way to maintain a healthy pH level of your body.  Here are some steps to start re-defining your diet:
Make it a Salad Day, Everyday !
Use fresh, raw, organic vegetables and fresh organic fruits to create your daily salad.  Be creative and imaginative, use vegetables other than romaine lettuce or iceberg lettuce.  Experiment on spinach, kale and Swiss chard; boost the nutritional benefits of your salad by adding different kinds of nuts everyday.  Nuts not only add nutritional goodness on your salad but it also adds flavor, texture and crunch on your salad such as pumpkin seeds. Make your own salad dressing using flaxseed oil or canola oil then add your favorite fresh herbs to add flavor, aroma and spice.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Alkaline Diet Plan

Alkaline diet is not at all complicated as others think; many people have transformed their own health plus their family’s by closely following the principles of the alkaline diet plan.
Use basic knowledge you have learned from your great grandmother or mother – the principle of “less is more”.  The less process a food undergoes like cooking, peeling, steaming, microwaving, frying, etc. the more it preserves the good nutrients it possess.
Stick to fresh and raw green vegetables, drink green juices rather than powdered drinks or ready to drink juice mix; munch on roasted, unsalted nuts rather than those covered in chocolates, caramel or honey; snacks on citrus, fresh fruits without peeling their skin like apple, pears, peaches and avoid canned, chopped, processed fruits.  Decrease your intake of grains, processed white flour, bread, cooking oils as these food types are categorized as highly acidic.  Foods from animal sources are also high in its acid content such as red meat and chicken, likewise some seafood such as fish and prawns are also high in acid content.
Diets rich in this food type can cause acidosis in the human body.  Foods that are capable of retaining their alkali content comes from green drinks from vegetable extract like wheatgrass juice.  Green drinks from these vegetables retain high level of minerals and nutritional properties, it may not be appealing in look and taste but these packs anti-oxidants, omega-3 and are high alkali producing food.
Roots, nuts, legumes and tubers are foods capable of neutralizing the acid-forming foods.  Add to this list all herbal seasonings, a natural sweetener called Stevia are all considered alkali friendly foods.  If you like fruits choose wisely, focus on fruits that are low in natural sugar content.  Fruits having lowest sugar content are raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, lemon, lime and rhubarb while fruits with low to medium sugar content are strawberries, papaya, watermelon peaches, nectarines, blueberries, cantaloupes, honeydew melons, apples, guavas, apricots and grapefruits.
This alkaline diet is rich in alkali retention and producing effects claims to help maintain the balance of the slight alkalinity of blood without stressing the body’s regulators of acid-base homeostasis.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Alkaline Diet Foods

A specific food can be classified as alkaline diet foods when the pH level of the solution created with its ash in water is greater than 7.  Every food we eat and digest release an alkaline base or an acid base into the blood and tissues of our body depending on what kind of mineral compounds it contains during and after the digestion process.
Acidosis is the condition in which there is excessive levels of acid in the body fluids develop when base or bicarbonate materials are lost.  Alkalosis on the other hand is the opposite of acidosis; it is a condition in which the body fluids have excess base or alkali  The proper ratio of daily food intake as recommended in the alkaline diet lifestyle is an optimal eighty percent alkali foods and twenty percent acidic foods.  When we speak about this type of diet, we are ultimately discussing the effects of foods and their classification, whether it is acid-forming or highly alkali.  A perfect example is lemon, by just looking at lemons and its natural properties; we can conclude that lemon is acid-forming.  This property changes once a person have already absorb the nutrients present in them.  You will be surprised to know that these citrus are the most highly alkalizing food, it produces alkaline ash or residue (this is the term used to provide an explanation on the effect of foods in the human body) after the digestion process is complete.  The key is to understand food properties before, during and after digestion.
By taking control of what you and your family eat on a daily basis like an alkaline diet, you can ensure all of your good health and well being which would mean less visits to the doctor’s office, less time at the pharmacy aisle and more time for having fun, living well and being happy.

Does Alkaline Diet Work

Our current lifestyle has influenced the way we dress, what kind of car we choose to drive, where we want to live, which schools we choose for our children, our preference for vacation, form of entertainment and overall standards of living.  But more significantly, this modern style living has significantly influenced our food eating habits, choices and preferences.
The world we are in is fast-paced, packed by things to do and accomplished on a given day but that given day is almost always not enough to complete each listed tasks.  We are bombarded with deadlines from office work, school work, community services and personal appointments.  Due to our busy and chaotic schedule, we almost always sacrifice the most important segment of our life – our health and the things affecting it – stress, exercise and diet.  If you look closely, the more invention on modern conveniences, the more we take the short route in our eating habits.  Instead of having a daily family breakfast, we take a breakfast bar to go or a sophisticated traveler coffee mug to provide us the caffeine we need.  We always race against time and the most important part of our life gets the least priority in our daily routine.
The acid-alkaline diet claims that because of these factors, our tendency is to consume far more acid-forming foods rather than alkaline-forming foods which are very important to maintain a healthy pH level in our bloodstream.  To much acid-forming foods in the body can disrupt our pH level balance normally at the range of 7.35 to 7.45; this acid-forming foods results in the loss of essential minerals needed by the body such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.  The loss of these essential minerals can result in an array of medical concerns such as year round allergies, cold, flu, digestion problems, hyper-acidity, skin irritation, headaches, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and at worst any type of cancer.
So does alkaline diet work?  There are no extensive clinical trials or medical studies to support such as claim and effectiveness of alkaline diet but one thing is sure eating more fruits and vegetables has been proven a long time ago to be effective in keeping your health at tip top shape.