This Acid-Alkaline Diet Home Study Course book from two leading nutritional doctors and international best selling authors – Dr. Peter Bennett, N.D. and Dr. Stephen Barrie, N.D. brings unique, easy to use guide to improved health and boost energy. Peter Bennett is a Naturopathic Physician practicing in British Columbia, Canada. He is board certified Acupuncturist and a Homeopathic practitioner. Stephen Barrie is also a Naturopathic Physician, an international lecturer, the founder of the Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory. The book is the result of united efforts and hands on experience of both Peter and Stephen with their own patients. The book illustrates how a low acid-alkaline diet can over turn the feeling of fatigue, stress and the fact of being over weight. The simple steps and changes you need to do to start reclaiming your health and life now.
These two health practitioners wrote straight forward solutions for good health and well being. It contains a plan to start good healthy eating habits with the help of sample easy to prepare recipes, a program illustrating functional movement such as walking and a relaxation tool to help increase energy, transform stress into positive elements and the sensible way of losing weight. This self study course in divided into three parts. The first section provides a list of common factors why we suffer from poor health and low energy. The second section provides a discussion on long term solutions to achieve optimal health. The third section provides a structure for a three week diet and exercise program.
The book lays our a lifetime plan to healthy living and provides tools to attain better body performance. It is easy to read and simply written for better unerstanding. It is aided by pictures, diagrams and charts to provide visual explanation of the contents of the book. The book can be adopted by anyone, at any age and encourages the reader to strictly follow the three week plan including the recipes, daily and weekly suggested schedule, easy exercises including breathing and relaxation techniques plus walking and body stretches.
The principle behind this book is that every human being has a choice to live a healthier life regardless of what circumstance. The choice is ours to make and it is ultimately ours to keep.
Indeed each person has different tastes and different needs. But the ph of the body is the same in all healthy people. So make a list that was included acid alkaline food chart that suits your needs and lifestyle and follow it so as to leave a healthy and long life.